Installment Payment Plan
Taxes estimated to be more than one hundred dollars may be prepaid in quarterly installments as provided by Florida law. Application to pay 2025 taxes by installment may be obtained at any of our offices beginning November 1, 2024. You may request that an application be mailed to you; or download an application from this site on or after November 1, 2024. The application must be filed on or before April 30, 2025.
Both Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property taxes may be paid by installment. Each parcel or account requires a separate application. Installments are due in June, with a 6% discount; September, with a 4 ½% discount; December, with a 3% discount and March, with no discount. Payment of the first installment on or before July 31 is required to participate in the plan. Payments due in June but received in July will not receive a 6% discount and will be assessed a 5% penalty. Once participation is established and the requirements met, annual renewal is automatic.
Applications for installment payments will NOT be accepted from May 1 through October 31 yearly.